I’ve been on the lookout for valuable resources on email marketing. Mailerforum used to be a fantastic resource, but it seems like they haven’t posted anything new in quite a while. I’m in search of active email marketing forums, and I’ve observed that many forums cover a variety of topics, such as Blackhatworld, DigitalPoint, and WickedFire. Here’s a brief list of forums I’ve compiled, and I’m excluding this forum since you’re currently here reading this. My aim is simply to share additional resources and insights.

  1. Warrior Forum: The Warrior Forum is a well-known internet marketing forum that has a section specifically dedicated to email marketing discussions. It’s a place where marketers freely exchange their knowledge and experiences.

  2. Digital Point: Digital Point is another prominent internet marketing forum where you can find discussions on a wide range of marketing topics, including email marketing.

  3. Email Marketing Reddit (r/Emailmarketing): Reddit hosts various subreddits covering different topics, including email marketing. The r/Emailmarketing subreddit is a place where you can ask questions, share insights, and engage with other email marketers.

  4. Litmus Community: Litmus is a popular platform for email testing and analytics. Their community forum is an excellent resource for discussions related to email design, testing, and troubleshooting.

  5. Constant Contact Community: If you use Constant Contact for your email marketing campaigns, their community forum is a valuable place to connect with other users, seek answers to your questions, and share advice.

  6. Blogmail Email Marketing Forum: Blogmail is a newer forum specifically for email marketers to share their insights and experiences.

  7. Mailerforum: While it was once a hub for technical expertise and great insights, it appears to have become inactive over the years, and the information might be outdated. Note that you need to log in to access the website, and it might appear broken if you’re not logged in.

  8. BlackHatWorld: BlackHatWorld is an online forum covering various internet marketing topics, online business, SEO, affiliate marketing, and digital marketing strategies. It’s known for its discussions on various marketing techniques.

  9. WickedFire: WickedFire used to be a vibrant forum focusing on internet marketing, affiliate marketing, and various online business strategies, but it seems to have become less active over time.

Here are my takeaways from these forums:

  • Warrior Forum: Not very active, with many upsell offers.
  • Digital Point: Limited content in their email marketing forums, but a great marketplace.
  • Reddit: Offers some valuable information but isn’t highly active.
  • Litmus: Excellent for HTML and email creative development, but not very active.
  • Constant Contact Community: Excellent for Constant Contact-related queries, not much beyond that.
  • Blogmail: A newer, highly active forum with valuable insights.
  • Mailerforum: Once great but now inactive and dated.
  • BlackHatWorld: A liked forum but with a fair amount of sales-focused activity.
  • WickedFire: Used to be great but is now less active.

If you have any other valuable email marketing forums or websites to share, I would greatly appreciate it. Happy email marketing!